Monday, January 19, 2009

Comments Appreciated

Okay everyone, what I would really like to know from all of you is what you like (if you do) about online shopping; what do you dislike; and what would make it better and/or easier for you? Really, I want to know, because I would love to make the best it can be. And I can take it, so don't be shy. So I need you, all of you to tell me your shopping desires!

Thank you very much,

Tammy Beltrami

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Email Test

This is just a test everyone. Getting ready to blog direct from fashion week!

Tammy Beltrami
Aria Boutique

New Arrivals

Even though it is only mid January, I am looking forward to the arrival of the new spring collections. So far Aria Boutique has received new belts from Streets Ahead, beautiful leather and the new double wrap belts; T-Luxury t-shirts and on the way is their great light weight cashmeres in spring hues. This week a brand new line will arrive! This one I am pretty much ecstatic about, Princess Goes Hollywood from Switzerland! The name pretty much explains it. It is the most amazing, fun cashmere line I have ever seen. Of course the quality is fantastic and the style......the most funky cashmere designs ever. We will do our best to get them up online as quick as possible so you can all see them soon. And a little surprise for everyone who is a Comrags fan, Aria Boutique will be receiving an early shipment on the first delivery. A very cool suiting group to be worn together or as separates. As we all know, a Comrags suit is not your typical suit, it stands unto itself and stays current forever, and if you are not a Comrags fan yet, check in the first week in February to see for yourself.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Coming Soon!

Hello Everyone!
Aria Boutique is in the midst of getting our new blog up and running. We should have it together in the next few days. In the meantime check out Get on the email list so you will be updated on new products, arrival dates, new designers, and exciting offers, available to only those on the ShopAria List. See you soon!